Feeling Tired This Time of Year?
Some facts about when the daylight savings time switches backward:
The sun actually sets earlier in the evening. Meaning that, even though the clocks are set back one hour, you may feel like they have less daylight after work or school.
The earlier sunsets can disrupt daily your activities, especially outdoor ones. You may need to adjust their schedules to make the most of the remaining daylight hours.
Your regular sleep patterns may feel ‘off’ or require some extra attention. You’re not alone in feeling tired and fatigued.
Some people report changes in their mood, their mental health, and overall coping. This is normal, however, if you are concerned or feel that you are being impacted more so than usual, it may be time to connect with a trusted mental health professional.
Tips and Tricks to get through this time of year:
Maximize your daylight exposure
Establish a consistent routine and stick to it
Gradually adjust your bed time to better suit your individual sleep needs.